Reviewing Christmas

Reviewing Christmas

This is my heartfelt review of a life changing Christmas Day experience. This is what happened. My Christmas morning started about 7am. There are no little children in this house to wake me; no teenagers to summon from their beds. All my preparations paid off and I was quickly on the road to a friend's home. We drove together to the location of the Gold Coast Community Christmas Lunch. Continue reading

On this day: my life changed forever

On this day: my life changed forever

Fifteen years ago today I awoke in the Prince Charles hospital in Brisbane Australia. On this day: my life changed forever... I received 2 artificial valves. They tick away consistently. I don't hear them much now. Just occasionally if I lean on my hand and create a sea shell shape I can hear the blood rushing through my system and the clear ticking of the heart valves pumping my life Continue reading

Happy Birthday: today is my father’s birthday

Happy Birthday: today is my father’s birthday

Happy Birthday: today is my father's birthday He would have been 97. As I thought about him this morning I thought about life after death which is something I believe in, and I thought about birthdays...I wondered if there earthly significant dates are celebrated beyond the veil? Do they start from again or just continue on...Our birth dates are a part of our modern day identification....Name, Continue reading