“The time has come, to talk of many things: Of shoes and ships – and sealing wax – of cabbages and kings”. These words are spoken by the Walrus in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland and they open this Blog post perfectly.
Hi I am Jane. I am a Social Media Mentor. I am also a…..Public Speaker/Presenter/Writer/Photographer and lover of all things tekkie, and I am a Mormon
(I publish a site for women, by women; and this personal Blog. You can find me on Instagram Facebook and Twitter. I created #SaturdaySnapture the one-day-one-photo challenge across Instagram, Twitter and Facebook – Some of you know me as JaneofAustralia. Below is my Logo)
As you can see from the full name of the church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Mormons (a nickname we were given in the early days and we embraced) worship Jesus Christ. I believe He, Jesus Christ, is the Son of God, born of Mary, and that died that we might live.
I believe His life was about showing us a better way. I am a fully active member of the Church. I have been for many years.
I try to be kind and friendly, supportive and loving. I think most-of-the-time I succeed. I know I am not perfect.
I do not have a husband with many wives. I do not live in a commune.
See the title of the cover Book of Mormon. It’s true.
I am a greatly blessed woman. My family is happy and healthy. Like you we are not perfect, but we are working on it. We all strive to live what we believe. Like you, some days we do better than others.
I have survived 4 open heart surgeries. As well as several other serious illnesses. My newish (to me) doctor said to me recently – when I mentioned I was a Mormon – that he considered it a ‘fortuitous step’ that I had joined the church. We follow health code which we call a ‘Word of Wisdom’. We abstain from tea coffee alcohol smoking etc I am the healthiest I have ever been. I count this as significant blessing.
Want to know more about my beliefs? Click to learn earn more of what I believe.
A few other things about me,
I am a Homestay mother (next student will be #70)
I am allergic to many foods starting with C.
I hate sand. Big time.
I love breakfasts.
I dream a lot. Both asleep, and awake…
The Life of Jesus Christ Bible Videos will inspire you to strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints main website.
Opening Quote by The Walrus, is from Lewis Carroll – Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass.
Credit for The Walrus image.
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