I don't have a ginger cat to sit on my head but happiness is figuring out, once again, how to use one's site. Continue reading

Something is not right…
Something is quite wrong. yes Madeline there is a problem. I'm working on it... Continue reading
I know how to cook, and I have several ideas I am excited about posting for Weekend Cooking....however first, I need to relearn how to use my site. I wonder where this will post? A great way to start any day.. Continue reading

Starting over…
Sitting here, on a sweltering humid Queensland evening it seemed to me that snow flakes were the best representation of magic...the magic of a new beginning....Starting over... I have returned, renewed and refreshed. I have a fresh vision and feel excited about what I have planned for this site as well as 'A String of Pearls' the site where I publish interviews with entreprenurial women. I look Continue reading
Remembering Jane S Beatty from 9/11
Please read this tribute to Jane S Beatty Continue reading

Living The Carpenter’s Law
Some of you may be aware that at the beginning of 2013 I turned myself into a social media consultant and I was rather busy. I found that life had given me the skills and I find great satisfaction as I assist others – mainly women - in making their dreams come to life. Particularly in walking beside the dreamer as they take their idea from concept to launching their business. Late in the year Continue reading

Looking forward by looking back
I have posted the annual last-year review and looking-forward goals over at A String of Pearls...my other site... Looking forward by looking back click to visit....a new tab will open the original image was found on Pinterest Continue reading

creating the vision
Hi, I decided to create a place for my world, my voice. That's what you will get here. Yes you might well recognise the title of this, I loved that name and it SEO'd well etc. I own this Domain so beware hackers...no it is not an challenge of an invite, I am just saying my guard is up. We were sweltering here in Queensland and it is just going to get hotter. Certainly Perth Adelaide and Continue reading