I don't have a ginger cat to sit on my head but happiness is figuring out, once again, how to use one's site. Continue reading

Something is not right…
Something is quite wrong. yes Madeline there is a problem. I'm working on it... Continue reading

Locally it reached only 14°C all day on Saturday: Grey. Cloudy ☁️ Rainy ☔️ Blah Continue reading
I know how to cook, and I have several ideas I am excited about posting for Weekend Cooking....however first, I need to relearn how to use my site. I wonder where this will post? A great way to start any day.. Continue reading

Reviewing Christmas
This is my heartfelt review of a life changing Christmas Day experience. This is what happened. My Christmas morning started about 7am. There are no little children in this house to wake me; no teenagers to summon from their beds. All my preparations paid off and I was quickly on the road to a friend's home. We drove together to the location of the Gold Coast Community Christmas Lunch. Continue reading

Everything old is new again…
Two years ago I announced a new begining here. That year,2016 all that was new was the battle for health and in the end life. Now, this meme I created says it all. Plus the need to write again is strong. I figured out how to the nuts n bolts here....stay tuned Continue reading

Starting over…
Sitting here, on a sweltering humid Queensland evening it seemed to me that snow flakes were the best representation of magic...the magic of a new beginning....Starting over... I have returned, renewed and refreshed. I have a fresh vision and feel excited about what I have planned for this site as well as 'A String of Pearls' the site where I publish interviews with entreprenurial women. I look Continue reading
Remembering Jane S Beatty from 9/11
Please read this tribute to Jane S Beatty Continue reading

On this day: my life changed forever
Fifteen years ago today I awoke in the Prince Charles hospital in Brisbane Australia. On this day: my life changed forever... I received 2 artificial valves. They tick away consistently. I don't hear them much now. Just occasionally if I lean on my hand and create a sea shell shape I can hear the blood rushing through my system and the clear ticking of the heart valves pumping my life Continue reading

Happy Birthday: today is my father’s birthday
Happy Birthday: today is my father's birthday He would have been 97. As I thought about him this morning I thought about life after death which is something I believe in, and I thought about birthdays...I wondered if there earthly significant dates are celebrated beyond the veil? Do they start from again or just continue on...Our birth dates are a part of our modern day identification....Name, Continue reading