Locally it reached only 14°C all day on Saturday: Grey. Cloudy ☁️ Rainy ☔️ Blah
There was an anticipated low of 4°C with Frost predicted
I filled my thermos with hot chocolate in order to avoid going into my very cold kitchen.
This – below – is my local weather – overnight Saturday, actually the wee small hours of Sunday.
Yesterday, Saturday 23rd May there was record breakingly cold temperatures all over Queensland.
It’s 40 years since such a low temperature has been recorded. May 1980
What to look forward to…?
The winter solstice is the day of the year that has the least daylight hours of any in the year and usually occurs on 22 June but can occur between 21 and 23 June. My father used to ask me every year….what is today? Winter and Summer I would fail to know. Year in. Year out. Sorry dad
June 1st is just a week away.
Of course Winter has elements that are celebrated …
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