The last 7 days have made for an interesting WEEK 6 of 2014.
As Week 4 turned into week 5 I found I was mentally tired and needed a break. I had not managed my planned Christmas break. I decided to give myself a whole week’s holiday, a stay-cation if you will. I have not journeyed to exotic places, although in the book I am reading is currently set in Massachussets USA though between the World Wars.
This is a prequel to the series ‘The Bronze Horseman’ by Paullina Simons
I have instead pottered around here at home. I had some friends come over, one for brunch and one for a breakfast-lunch. Although we also had dessert. I enjoy cooking for friends and getting them to come and relax on my lovely terrace.
Today my order of this arrived. When I went to change the box over look what date I found I had written inside. One kilo lasted 8 months. I recommend these, contact me if you have questions or wish to purchase any of the range.
I have been taking part in 2 Instagram Photo challenges. #takentodayfebruary 14 and #fmsphotoaday
I have been delighted to find my friend Fay – (@FayC on Twitter) the creator of Plymouth, who sits beside me –
is also taking part. I have really enjoyed her display of her months photography efforts and so I am going to do the same, for my own record, and you are welcome to enjoy them if you wish. You will find me on Instagram as JaneofAustralia. The same name will locate me on Pinterest.
My #Dots were featured in a weekly round up on #takentoday
I watched a very interesting documentary about newly found letters from Wallis Simpson to her husband second husband, Ernest. The letters reveal that she made so many wrong choices that in the end she was trapped in a web of her own making. And too late realised the man she really loved was Ernest. The mam she would divorce in order to marry the man she thought she loved, but didn’t. Try as the might no one seems able to explain the Prince of Wales obsession for except to say it was love. But it seems to me he had some deep unmet need that she filled. Possibly one must look to his family and childhood; some what as we did in recent years to understand Charles, the now Prince of Wales as he made what appeared to be strange choices. For him though it has, so far, turned out differently. Of course we all love Diana‘s boys, for being hers, for the courage and compassion they have that was so much a part of her. How history will unfold this saga, we must wait a few more years to see.
Lastly, I recently reached a milestone on Twitter.
…to quote David Frost ‘that was the week that was’…
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