To borrow from the Beatles hit I've got to admit it's getting better A little better all the time I have to admit it's getting better .... (Lyrics) and yes, the title of this post is from another Beatles song.... For me, a long and winding road is the road back to full health. There have been fascinating detours, odd stop overs and I've been at my bloodhound-best as far as Continue reading
5 February 2014

Week 6
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The last 7 days have made for an interesting WEEK 6 of 2014. As Week 4 turned into week 5 I found I was mentally tired and needed a break. I had not managed my planned Christmas break. I decided to give myself a whole week's holiday, a stay-cation if you will. I have not journeyed to exotic places, although in the book I am reading is currently set in Massachussets USA though between the World Continue reading