This is my heartfelt review of a life changing Christmas Day experience. This is what happened. My Christmas morning started about 7am. There are no little children in this house to wake me; no teenagers to summon from their beds. All my preparations paid off and I was quickly on the road to a friend's home. We drove together to the location of the Gold Coast Community Christmas Lunch. Continue reading

Everything old is new again…
Two years ago I announced a new begining here. That year,2016 all that was new was the battle for health and in the end life. Now, this meme I created says it all. Plus the need to write again is strong. I figured out how to the nuts n bolts here....stay tuned Continue reading

A long and winding road….
To borrow from the Beatles hit I've got to admit it's getting better A little better all the time I have to admit it's getting better .... (Lyrics) and yes, the title of this post is from another Beatles song.... For me, a long and winding road is the road back to full health. There have been fascinating detours, odd stop overs and I've been at my bloodhound-best as far as Continue reading