This is my heartfelt review of a life changing Christmas Day experience. This is what happened. My Christmas morning started about 7am. There are no little children in this house to wake me; no teenagers to summon from their beds. All my preparations paid off and I was quickly on the road to a friend's home. We drove together to the location of the Gold Coast Community Christmas Lunch. Continue reading
Remembering my mother.
I'd flown in for her second last Christmas. Mum had told her friends she wanted Christmas Day just with me and they had helped her arrange things so it could be that way. I was deeply moved. I arrived prepared for a long hot day but the weather played its tricks and it was to be a cold gusty wet day. Regardless, it was a special day. Today for Mothers Day I am Remembering my mother. I flew Continue reading
Week 7: The greatest Love
Ok so it's Valentines Day or is it Valentine's Day? I don't eat chocolate - 99% of the time and roses die in the heat. However I was thinking about love, this morning - sitting outside a supermarket, waiting for it to open - and about how important love is. And where that starts. We need to be loved as babies. Neglected babies don't do well. Babies seperated from their source of love, by Continue reading